

sendeR is a package whose premise is sending messages to various messaging and/or mailing services using a simple unified interface with as little dependencies as possible.

Package originated as a project for an Advanced R course at a Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science at the Warsaw University of Technology.


To install the development package version from GitHub repository use the following code:

# install.packages("devtools")

Supported Services

Note: services requiring OAuth2.0 require httr and openssl packages installed.


  1. Create a client for one of the supported services. For details on how to get access to the service’s API please refer to given client’s documentation.
  2. Use send_message method on the created client.
my_telegram_client <- client_telegram(<my_bot_token>)
send_message(my_telegram_client, "Hello world!", <chat_id>)

As of version it is possible to set default parameters in the clients as shown below. As of version it is possible to pass set_fields arguments directly into client constructor, e.g. client_telegram(<my_bot_token>, message = "Hi world!").

client <- client_telegram(<my_bot_token>)
client <- set_fields(client, destination = <chat_id>, message = "Hi world!")

# This will send "Hi world!" message to chat under <chat_id>.

# This will send "Hello world!" message to chat under <chat_id>.
send_message(client, message = "Hello world!")

Additional Features

  • Version of the package has the sendeR_txtProgressBar function which shares the behaviour of regular txtProgressBar with addition of sending a message when calculation is finished. Please refer to the documentation for usage details.
  • Version of the package comes with the sendeR_lapply function which can easily be used to send notifications after a calculation is finished. Please refer to the documentation for usage details.

Important Remarks

  • Creating client_gmail pauses code execution and waits for the OAuth2.0 authorization. This can be avoided in subsequent client_gmail calls if httr OAuth caching functionality is used.
  • Currently passing an argument of wrong type to any function will result in a code stop due to failed assertion. Please test your sendeR calls before running long calculations.


PDF Version

How to contribute?

Coming soon…

Planned Features

  • quick_send_message - method for sending messages in one line (client creation not required). Note: only for clients not requiring OAuth.
  • Searching system environment for required parameters during clients construction if they are missing.